Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Let's Have a Stairing Contest

Some of you may recall that back in January, my friend, bandmate and fellow photographer, Rico Molden, and I tried our hand at a friendly photographic competition. Some of you may have even helped with the voting and subsequent crowning of Rico as the champion! Well, he and I are at it again. But this time, as with any sequel, the stakes have changed, the details have become more complicated, and (unlike most sequels, actually) the whole thing is going to be much more fun!

First off, we have a couple more photographers who wanted in on the action.

Christopher Uller
is a recent graduate of UC Berkeley with a major in English. In addition to creative writing, he enjoys a variety of activities including tennis, hiking, guitar and photography!

Jacquelynn Buck
is a nationally recognized portrait photographer located in Valdosta, Georgia. Her trademark Real Women art was shown this month in the Color of Energy Gallery in Dayton, Ohio. On the heels of having her work recently published in Rangefinder Magazine, Jacquelynn will be teaching a Master's class in February at the Wedding and Portrait Photographer's International (WPPI) convention in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Rico and I are very happy to have Chris and Jackie joining us this time around! The number of players and images has doubled! How's that for word of mouth?

As with last time, the contest will be handled with voting here on my blog. But, in another awesome twist, we are happy to announce that you can also view these images live and in print at The Last Drop Cafe in Claremont, CA (located in The Village at 119 Harvard Ave., (909) 482-1870). They have graciously agreed to display our work in the brick and mortar world, and have even let us set up a ballot right there in the store. So come on out to see the photos in print (hard to miss, they're up on the wall as you enter), cast your vote, and stay for a fine cup of coffee or milk tea. Go now!

Chris Uller, standing proudly near the print display at The Last Drop Cafe

The contest itself consists of our four unique perspectives when it comes to Stairs. Yep, you heard me, those things you walk up and down on all day long have become artwork. So, after hours of shooting, selecting and editing...the entries are in and once again, the polls are officially open! You are invited to help judge this competition, by choosing your favorite photo in each of the five categories: Iron, Black and White, Stairs with a Human Model, Spiral, and Interpretive Stairs. The images are presented below, with the copyright identity masked by a random and annonymous presentation. Hope you enjoy playing photographic judge for a day! Remember to make your selections by leaving a comment below (simply type the category and choose "A," "B," "C," or "D" for each). Remember, it's all in fun, so try not to over-think it. Thanks for playing!

"Spiral" entries:

Spiral A

Spiral B

Spiral C

Spiral D

"Black & White" entries:

Black & White A

Black & White B

Black & White C

Black & White D

"Stairs with a Human Model" entries:

Stairs with a Human Model A

Stairs with a Human Model B

Stairs with a Human Model C

Stairs with a Human Model D

"Interpretive Stairs" entries:

Interpretive Stairs A

Interpretive Stairs B

Interpretive Stairs C

Interpretive Stairs D

"Iron" entries:

Iron A

Iron B

Iron C

Iron D

Please post your comments here or make your selections in store by Friday, October 15th; the results will be posted shortly thereafter. By the way - the photog with the most overall "wins" in our last competition got to have his image displayed in the loser's house for a couple weeks. What should the stakes be this time around? Let us know what you think. I think "loser buys a round of coffee" sounds like a good place to start.


  1. spiral b, b&w b, human a, interpretive d, iron c

  2. Spiral b, b&w c, Human a, interpretive b, iron c

  3. Spiral:C, B&W:B, Human:B, Inter.:C, and Iron:A
    All such beautiful photos!

  4. Spiral:C, B&W: C, Human:A, Inter:D, Iron: A

  5. Spiral C,Black & White B, Stairs with a Human Model D, Interpretive Stairs D, Iron C

  6. Spiral B, B b&w, Interpretive C, Iron C...

  7. Spiral C, B&W B, Human D, Interpretive A, Iron C

    These were all excellent photos making it difficult to choose just one in each category.

  8. Spiral C, B&W D, Human A, Interpretive D,
    Iron D

  9. spiral d
    BandW c
    Stairs w Human b
    Interpretive c
    Iron C

  10. Spiral B,Black & White B, Stairs with a Human Model C, Interpretive Stairs C, Iron C

  11. Angel said...
    Spiral A
    B&W B
    Stairs w/Human B
    Interpretive D
    Iron A

  12. spiral C, black & white C, stairs with a human model A, Interpretive Stairs B, Iron C

  13. Spiral: C
    B&W: A
    Stairs: C
    Interpretive Stairs: D
    Iron: C

  14. MWSays

  15. Spiral C, B&W A, Human C, Interpretive B, Iron B

  16. Spiral-D, B&W-A, Stairs-A, Iterpertive-C, Iron-C

  17. spiral- D
    B&W- B
    human- C
    interp- D
    iron- B

  18. spiral C
    B&W C
    Human C
    Inter B
    iron C

  19. Spiral- C
    B&W- B
    Human- B
    Interp- D
    Iron- C

  20. Spiral: B
    B&W: B
    Stairs with Human: C
    Interpretive Stairs: D
    Iron: C

  21. Spiral: B
    B&W: B
    St w/ Human: C
    Inter: D
    Iron: D
    Please make it a little easier the next time ;)

  22. Spiral (B) B&W (B) Human (A) Interpretive (C)
    Iron (C)

  23. Hey Jason, my votes are:
    Spiral: B
    B&W: B
    Stairs with human: C
    Interpretive: B
    Iron: C

  24. Spiral: C
    B and W: B
    St w/ Human: A
    Inter: D
    Iron: C

  25. Spiral B
    Black & White B
    Human Model C
    Interpretive D
    Iron A (But C was a very close second)

  26. Sprial C
    Black & White C
    Stairs w/Human Model C
    Interpretive D
    Iron C

  27. Sprial C
    Black & White C
    Stairs w/Human Model C
    Interpretive D
    Iron C

  28. spiral C
    b&w D
    stairs w/ human C
    interp C
    Iron C

  29. spiral A
    b&w c
    stairs with model c
    inter stairs D
    Iron C

  30. Great photos! Here are my picks: Spiral C, B&W B, Human A, Interpretive B, Iron C.

  31. Spiral: B
    B&W: B
    Stairs with Human: C
    Interpretive Stairs: D
    Iron: C

  32. spiral" c
    b&w: c
    stairs with human: d
    interpretive stairs: d
    iron: c

  33. Spiral C
    Black & White B
    Stairs with a Human Model B
    Interpretive Stairs C
    Iron A

  34. Deb D
    Spiral - C
    Black and White C
    Stair with model D
    Iron B
    I like the interactive part of this--great way to involve people

  35. spiral B
    B&W C
    Human D
    Interpretive B
    Iron B

  36. all are amazing...
    Spiral: A
    B&W: A
    Stair w/Human: A
    Interpretive: B
    Iron: A

  37. Great Job!
    Spiral C
    B&W A
    Stair w/Human C
    Interpretive A
    Iron C

  38. Spiral: D, B&W: B, SwH: C, IS: D, Fe: D

  39. Spiral: C
    B/W: C
    H Model: A
    Interp: D
    Iron: C

  40. spiral c
    B & W b
    stairs b
    interpretive stairs d
    iron c

  41. Spiral: B
    B&W: B
    Stairs w/human: A
    Interpretive: D
    Iron: C

  42. Spiral: C
    B&W: A
    W/ model: D
    Interpretive: D
    Iron: C

  43. Spiral: B
    Black & White: B
    Stairs w/ human: A
    Interpretive: C
    Iron: A

  44. Spiral: A
    Black & White: B
    Stairs w/ human: A
    Interpretive: A
    Iron: D

  45. Spiral: C
    B&W: B
    Human Model: A
    Interpretive: D
    Iron: C

  46. siral c, b&w b, stairs with human c, interpretive d, iron a ( very very very good ) !!!

  47. Spiral B
    B&W C
    Human Model B
    Interpretive A
    Iron A

  48. Spiral C
    B&W C
    Human Model D
    Interpretive B
    Iron C

  49. Spiral C, Black & White C, Model C, Interpretive D, Iron A

  50. Sprial C
    BW B
    Human C
    Interp D
    Iron D

  51. Spiral ~A
    B&W ~B
    Stairs & Human ~B
    Interp Stairs ~B
    Iron ~C

  52. Carol: Spiral is A, Black & White - D,Stairs with human - C she is so cute, Inter stairs-C Iron -A


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