Sunday, April 28, 2013

When in Rome...Go to Church, Ya Hippie!

One of the first things I wanted to see when I arrived in Paris was the magnificent cathedral, Notre Dame de Paris. I really didn't know much about it at all, but I was very curious to stand before it and learn more. I was astonished to learn some of its facts, such as the site location in the very center of the city, how it was erected, the architectural style and functional design elements(such as flying buttresses), and its age (celebrating 850 years here in 2013). Seriously? 850 years old!? It was truly amazing to me to contemplate not only the overall age, but also the fact that Notre Dame was built over a period of 182 years. What an incredible commitment to begin a task that you know will never be completed in your, your children's, or even your grandchildren's lifetime!

This post takes you inside the great cathedral during Sunday Mass. As always, I hope you enjoy the images, and I encourage you to use the Facebook and Twitter buttons at the end of this post to share with your friends.

Espresso court and a few macarons - fuel for the busy day ahead, touring the wonderful Notre Dame de Paris.

New "technology" of flying buttresses supporting along the outside allowed for heavy stone and delicate glass to live in harmony on the inside.

This miniature illustrates the time consuming process that went into lifting the giant Paris stone blocks into place - one painstaking detail at a time.

The high altar, featuring Decent from the Cross, and statues of King Louis XIII (right) and King Louis XIV (left).

Statue of Joan of Arc.

King Louis XIV.

The North Rose Window still features original glass and terrific detail.

King Louis XIII.

Symetry is found everywhere.

Another view of the North Rose Window, during Sunday Mass

  Please don't forget - use the buttons below to "share" this post with your friends before you move on. Thanks! And join me next time for a tour around the exterior of this enormous and beautiful cathedral!

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